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Tu/Th 2:00-3:15; Tu 3:30-4:45
Instructor: Prof. Danila Cannamela
Fulfills FC-AESTH in IDEAs in Action.

Old curriculum: Fulfills Visual and Performing Arts (VP) & North Atlantic World (NA)
Counts as elective for Italian Major and Minor
Counts as “world area” elective for Global Studies Major
Counts as elective for European Studies Major
Counts as elective for Film Studies Major & Global Cinema Minor


Italian cinema has engaged with gender and sexuality to develop broader discourses about national politics, social relationships, and power dynamics. By exploring different types of gender representations, this class provides an overview of Italian cinematic history. The films that we will watch and discuss feature a rich variety of styles and genres, spanning Italian neorealism, commedia all’italiana (Italian-style comedy), film d’auteur, and independent documentary films. Conducted in English.