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Luis Marcelino Gómez has published a new book: Bajo los arces/Under the Maple Tree/Poetic Anthology. Publishing House: La Agencia de la Palabra (Caracas, Venezuela, 2017). It can be purchased on Amazon:

“Under the Maple Trees”, by Luis Marcelino Gómez, is a personal anthology that collects poems written during the last four decades. Some have appeared in books and literary magazines in Europe, the Americas and the Near East. Also contains 36 poems published for the first time. The anthology is divided into 5 sections:

  1. Poems of various styles and themes. The majority, of free verse, dedicated to love, death, solitude, metapoetry, and the world in general. Also, poems which themes are anger, pain, anguish, reflection, experimentation. There is a sonnet in classic style and another in the manner of the modernists.
  2. 13 haikus.

III. 2 poems related to Judaism.

  1. 4 four poems, some of which evoke famous Cuban poets of the past.
  2. 3 poems whose themes are suggested in the title: “Divertimentos.”

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