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Introduction to Translation

TuTh 2:00-3:15 pm, Dey Hall 204, Prof. Hassan Melehy (

In this intermediate-level course, we’ll study the theory and practice of translation. Readings will include works about translation from antiquity to the present, from a global perspective, and examples of literature in French translated into English and vice versa. The course emphasizes the role of the translator as cultural mediator. Students will undertake their own translations.

The languages of instruction will be French and English, depending on the issues discussed. Assignments will consist of class discussion, several translation exercises, one short paper in French (3–4 pages), and one in English (4–5 pages). For the final exam, we’ll hold a conference during the exam period, each student giving a short oral presentation based on their work during the semester.


Course objectives are to gain translation practice, to develop French language skills, to develop translation skills, and to increase cross-cultural understanding.

Prerequisites: FREN 300