SPAN 320
SPAN 320
Spanish for Business (First Semester)
Instructor: will vary by section
This is a sixth-semester course, designed to further language study within a business / commercial focus. The materials integrate business terminology, scenarios, practice cases, and cultural aspects of business and commercial enterprises. Students will learn business terminology and concepts, and improve cultural awareness and cultural fluency, particularly as they relate to the field of business. They will improve higher-order thinking skills and Spanish writing and speaking skills through a variety of assignments, including reading exercises, compositions, in-class presentations, translations, listening comprehension activities, and video interviews of native speakers. Topics studied in this course include, but are not limited to the global economy, leadership, and human resources.
Note: This course is only available to students in the Spanish Minor for the Professions or and students majoring in Hispanic Studies and concentrating in the professions
Prerequisites: SPAN 261 or SPAN 267