faclname: Bruno
SPAN 324
SPAN 324 Spanish for the Legal Professions (Second Semester) Instructors: TBD Second semester, all-skills course with extensive writing and speaking practice, and grammar review. Vocabulary, readings, and activities geared toward the language of law professions in the context of the … Read more
SPAN 301
SPAN 301 Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis Instructor: varies by section This course prepares students to formulate and to communicate critical analyses of literary and cultural works in at least three genres (theater, poetry, essay, narrative, and film), while … Read more
SPAN 267
SPAN 267 Advanced Spanish in Context for Heritage Learners Instructor: Monica Lopez-Vazquez, GTF A fifth-semester course, designed specifically for students who have grown up speaking Spanish, this course uses a variety of texts (literature, movies, newspaper articles, speeches and essays) … Read more
SPAN 261
SPAN 261 Advanced Spanish in Context Instructor: TBD / varies by section SPAN 261 is a fifth-semester course that uses a variety of texts (literature, movies, newspaper articles, speeches, and essays) as a basis for reviewing grammatical concepts, developing writing … Read more
SPAN 351
SPAN 351 Spanish Interpreting I Instructor: Prof. Loida Slate SPAN 351 introduces students to the theory and practice of interpreting in community-based settings. The course emphasizes targeted readings, class discussions, thematic workshops, role-plays, and hands-on practice. Successful completion of this course … Read more
SPAN 381
Studies in Spanish and Spanish American Poetry Specific topics to be announced in advance by the instructor. Requisites: Prerequisite, SPAN 371 or 373. Spanish Undergraduate Advising Team