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Giorgia Bordoni

Ph.D. Student

At UNC since 2016
Dey Hall 217


PhD, Modern and Contemporary Philosophy                                                      February 2011

Italian Institute of Human Science (SUM) of Florence-Naples

    • Dissertation: Chora. The place of Derrida’s deconstruction of theology and politics
    • Dissertation Advisors: Prof. Roberto Esposito and Prof. Bruno Moroncini

MA, cum laude, Aesthetic Philosophy                                                                        July 2007

University of Rome “La Sapienza”

    • Master's Thesis: Religion and Theology in Jacques Derrida’s thought

BA cum laude, Aesthetic Philosophy                                                                December 2005

University of Rome “La Sapienza"

About Giorgia

Giorgia Bordoni studied Modern and Contemporary Philosophy in the field of Italian thought, French and German, especially on moral philosophy, politics and aesthetics. She achieved her first PhD in Contemporary Philosophy on “Philosophies of community and ontology of the present” at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences of Florence-Naples, with a dissertation entitled Chora. The place of Derrida’s deconstruction of theology and politics, that is in press.

She translated from French to Italian many authors such as Derrida, Nancy, Romain-Rolland. She obtained the University teaching qualification in France in the field of “Maître de Conférence”, section of Philosophy. She has worked for several years as a visiting lecturer at University “La Sapienza” in Rome, in aesthetic philosophy, and she worked in connection with the European Parliament, coordinating a group of researchers for a project on women’s participation in politics.

At the moment she is in the fourth year of her second PhD, in Romance Studies, at UNC-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on the concept of “literary machine” in Italian and French literary avant-garde and neo-avant-garde. She explores especially the relationship between Italian and French contemporary literature with a philosophical approach. Her research focuses on the link between violence, war, machine and writing-style on Marinetti, Céline and Levi literature. She also explores the interplay between literature, philosophy, arts and cinema, and on 20th century international comparative literature.

EVENT ORGANIZATION                                                                                                            

Film series “Fear Friday with Dario Argento”.                                                                              Fall 2017

  • Italian (native language), French, English


  • Favole di sovranità. L’ultimo seminario di Jacques Derrida, Rome, Lithos 2011.
  • Nomi di Dio. Religione e teologia in Jacques Derrida, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2010.
  • Chora. The place of Derrida’s deconstruction of theology and politics, Milan-Udine, Mimesis (in press).
Journal articles
  • Fenomenologia della flânerie. La scena della città fra traversata e immaginazione come scommessa del politico, in magazine Polemos, Rome, Stamen 2015.
  • Forsennare lo spazio urbano. La chance del politico nel non-luogo della chora, in magazine “Post3-Space”, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2013.
  • De-sidera. Il corpo erotico come carne estesa ed esposta dalla distanza, n. 6 of the Journal of Social Sciences Online on “Body and Sexuality”, Foggia, Italy 2013.
  • La guerra dei corpi. Scollamento generazionale e sacrificio della mondità, n. 4 of the Journal of Social Sciences Online, on “Gender Studies”, Foggia, Italy 2012.
  • Chi ha paura del femminicidio? Mitogenesi della violenza di genere nel linguaggio dei media, n. 5 of the Journal of Social Sciences Online, on “Communication and digital outlook”, Foggia, Italy 2012.
  • La legge dell’Insignificante al corpo della lingua, online magazine “post2”, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2011.
Book Chapters
  • Matrici della deterritorializzazione, in the collection “Cities, Metropolis, Territory,” Mimesis, Milan-Udine, Italy 2012.
  • L’Aleph. Riflessioni intorno al fatto teologico, in the collection “Borges. Imaginary Labirynths”, Milan-Udine, Mimesis 2011.
  • Fra le pieghe dell’ordigno, introductory essay to the Italian edition of Jacques Derrida’s “Déplier Ponge”, edited and translated by Giorgia Bordoni, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2011.
  • Cenotafio per il mondo a venire, introductory essay to the Italian edition of Jacques Derrida’s “Avances”, edited and translated by Giorgia Bordoni, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2010.
  • Meccanica ed erotica della firma, introductory essay to the Italian edition of Jacques Derrida’s “Firmatoponge”, edited and translated by Giorgia Bordoni, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2010.
  • Piega, evento, rilancio. Dentro il costruttivismo: per un’architettonica del frammezzo, essay in the volume: “Variations on the chaos. Deleuze and the philosophy”,Turin, Ananke, 2009.
  • Economia e teologia negativa in Jacques Derrida, essay in the collection of essays “Oikonomia”, Rome, Lithos, 2009.
  • Epoché, essay in the collection “Voices of phenomenology” Rome, Lithos 2007.
Translating and Editing (each book has been translated from French to Italian and edited by Giorgia Bordoni)
  • MARC CREPON, Il consenso assassino, Rome, Lithos, 2016.
  • JEAN-LUC NANCY, Lontano la città, Rome, Lithos, 2016.
  • RENAUD BARBARAS, Dinamica della manifestazione, Rome, Lithos, 2016.
  • ROMAIN ROLLAND, Empedocle, Rome, Castelvecchi 2015.
  • JACQUES DERRIDA, Spiegare Ponge, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2011.
  • JACQUES DERRIDA, Avances, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2010.
  • JACQUES DERRIDA, Firmatoponge, Milan-Udine, Mimesis, 2010.


14-16 March 2019      Literary desiring machines. Crossing 20th century violence with Marinetti and Céline – AAIS-American Association for Italian Studies Annual Conference, Wake Forest University, Wake Forest, North Carolina, USA.

5-6 April 2019         A “petite musique” of nothing. Tragic nihilism as death vibration across stages of life in L.-F. Céline literature – Duke-Stanford Graduate Conference “Stages of life”, Duke University’s “PAL” (center of Philosophy, Arts and Literature) and Stanford University “Phil+Lit”, Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA.

5-7 April 2018            Dystopian Purgatory. Dante’s ‘Angelica farfalla’ mirrored in Primo Levi’s Science Fiction – CCRS, Carolina Conference for Romance Studies “Visions and Revisions. Romance Utopias and Dystopias”, Department of Romance Studies at UNC-University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.

7-8 April 2017         The juggler of language. Metasemantics and non-sense play in Fosco Maraini’s literary machine – Harvard-Brown Chiasmi Conference of Italian Studies “ (Ex)pressing play”, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachussets, USA.

24 February 2017            The “pétite musique”: Céline’s literary machine as assemblage of intensities – Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference "Mosaics. Difference, Diversity, Assemblage", Department of French and Italian, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

27-29 May 2015             Auto-immunity inside immunity. The challenge of community: a comparison between Derrida and Esposito – International Conference “Immunity and Modernity: Picturing Threat and Protection”, University of Leuven, Belgium, Europe.

4-6 December 2014        Bergson en guerre. Les signes de la crise de la société contemporaine dans la phénoménologie de Bergson – International Conference "The Great War and Phenomenology", University of Leuven and Husserl Archives, Belgium, Europe.

9-Octobre 2014         Firma e letteratura. Intorno a Signéponge – Italian Conference "Survie. Pour Jacques Derrida", University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy, Europe.

26-27 June 2014         Husserl dans Derrida. La déconstruction est-elle une phénoménologie de la trace? – International Conference “A Topography of Heresies or the Road to Renewal? The Many Faces of Contemporary Phenomenology”, University of Gdańsk, Poland, Europe.

3-4 December 2010           Participation, as discussant, at the International conference “The legacy of phenomenology and the problem of life”, organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Department of Aesthetics and held on 3-4 December at Auditorium of the Goethe Institut, Rome, Italy, Europe.

Awards & Honors

  • “Debbie Schenker Summer Research Fellowship” for the Project Italian Futurist avant-garde as an artistic war machine.
  • Graduate School “Doctoral Merit Assistantship” for Study in Romance Studies Award
  • Typical Courses Taught

    ITAL 101 (Fall 2017)
    ITAL 204 (Spring 2018- Fall 2018)
    FREN 101 (Fall 2018)
    ITAL 102 (Spring 2019)