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Laura Brescane Nicolas

Ph.D. Student

At UNC since 2020
Advised by Professor Irene Gomez-Castellano
Dey Hall 213


M. A., Spanish, West Virginia University, 2020
B. A., English Studies, 2018

About Laura

Laura Brescané is a PhD student in the Spanish department. Her main focus is the figure of the female soccer player in literature in Spain in the 21st century, using every kind of format. She is interested in the feminist and queer aspects of this literature.


Brescane Nicolas, Laura. "La identidad lesbiana en dos novelas de Elena Garvi: Vesania (2019) y Aquiescencia (2020)". Ámbitos Feministas, vol. 11, 2023, pp. 64-81.

Typical Courses Taught

SPAN 102
SPAN 105
SPAN 203
SPAN 255
SPAN 300