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Sandra García Gutiérrez

PH. D. Graduate in Spanish
Graduated from UNC in


M.A.T., Spanish, IUPUI, 2017

Summer program in Salamanca (2017, 2018)

M.A.T., History and Social Sciences, Universidad de León, 2014

B.A., History, Universidad de León, 2013

Erasmus Program: Study abroad in Universitá degli Studi di Siena (2011-2012)

About Sandra

Sandra is a PhD Candidate specializing in 19th, 20th- and 21st-century Spanish Female Gothic. Her research interests include contemporary Gothic literature and media, the narrative of "Insólito" in Latin America and Spain, and horror film.

Her dissertation La heroína gótica española ante el miedo: sus monstruos includes a series of Gothic works written by male authors for female readers as a pedagogical program in the first half of the 19th century, and female writers as Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921), Cristina Fernández Cubas (1945), Pilar Pedraza (1951), Patricia Esteban Erlés (1972), and Elvira Navarro (1978) that have appropriated Gothic as an aesthetic to channel the social problems that women face in their daily lives.

Sandra has held several positions on the Graduate Romance Association student organization, as President (2020-2021) and Social Chair (2019-2020), and has organized the 25th Carolina Conference for Romance Studies (CCRS) between 2019-2021.


García Gutiérrez, Sandra. “Las princesas de Agustín Pérez Zaragoza: un acto de autoría rebelde”. Desde el siglo XIX: reescrituras, traducciones, transmedialidad. Edited by Bianchi, Cimardi, de la Fuente Ballesteros, and Goñi. Colección Biblioteca Litterae, Calambur Editorial, 2020.

García Gutiérrez, Sandra. “Identidad femenina en ‘Una mañana para ser feliz’ y ‘El pequeño tesoro de cada cual’, de Liliana Heker”. Revista Alba de América, vol. 38, no.72, 2018, pp.115-138.

Awards & Honors

The Fran and Paul Hoch Summer Research Fellowship, 2020

Dana B. Drake Summer Fellowship, 2020-2021

Richard Bland Fellowship Award, 2019

Typical Courses Taught

SPAN 105: Spanish for High Beginners
SPAN 203: Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 261: Advanced Spanish in Context
SPAN 300 (HLG): Spanish Grammar Structure
*Teaching Assistant for SPAN 351: Spanish Interpretation I