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Sara Ansaloni

Ph.D. Student

At UNC since 2023
Advised by Professor Sean Matharoo
Dey 315

About Sara

Sara Ansaloni is a PhD candidate in French Studies and Francophone Literature. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages and Literature from the University of Turin, Italy, and a Master’s degree in Global Studies with a specialization in Middle Eastern Studies. She also studied at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, and conducted fieldwork research in Morocco with the support of the University of Casablanca.

Her first book, Il Corano e le Donne studio di Geografia della Religione, was issued in 2019 and reprinted in 2022 in an augmented edition. That same year, she published Covid-19 as a Syndemic: A Feminist Intersectional Perspective on Moroccan Civil Society’s Crisis Management. In 2023, Sara coedited Sfide. Temi e Riflessioni per un Futuro Equo e Sostenibile, an interdisciplinary volume featuring essays from sixteen authors across the humanities.

Sara’s research focuses on the relationship between human geography and the formation of religious communities and identities, with an emphasis on the Maghreb region. She is also interested sci-fi and fantasy literature from the MENA region and its postcolonial significance.


Ansaloni S., Santus, D., Il Corano e le donne. Studio di geografia della religione (Women and the Qur’an: Islamic Feminism), “Geografia, culture e società”, Nuova Trauben, Torino, 2019.

Ansaloni S., “Un Caso Studio dal Marocco. Donne, Pandemia e Religione”, in Ansaloni S., Santus D., Il Corano e le donne. Studio di geografia della religione, 2 ed., Nuova Trauben, Torino, 2022.

Ansaloni S., Covid-19 as a Syndemic: A Feminist Intersectional perspective on Moroccan Civil Society’s Crisis Management, Nuova Trauben, Torino, 2022.

Santus D., Ansaloni S., “Mobility issues and Multidimensional inequalities: Exploring the limits of the National Strategy for Immigration and Asylum (NSIA) during the Covid-19 pandemic in Morocco”, in Bakalova D. (ed.), Ethnic Cartography: Diversity and Intercultural Competence, AIMS Geoscience, 2022.

Ansaloni S., Santus D., "Mitnahalim, lo stanziamento dei coloni religiosi in attesa del Messia", Memorie, Società Studi Geografici (SSG), Firenze, 2022.

Ansaloni S., “Il mito della sostenibilità: Smart Cities e gentrificazione ambientale”, in Ansaloni S., Santus D. (eds.), Sfide. Temi e Riflessioni per un Futuro Equo e Sostenibile, Nuova Trauben, Torino, 2023.

Ansaloni S., Santus D., “Environmental risk perception and attitudes on climate-induced migration: survey insights among Geography students at the University of Turin”, in Messina G., Kopliku B. (eds.), 21st Century Landscape Sustainability, Development and Transformations: geographical Perceptions, Geographies of the Anthropocene, Il Sileno (open access), 2023.

Santus D., Ansaloni S., “Divinità e genere: uno studio di geografia della religione”, Stratigrafie di Paesaggio, Il Sileno (open acess), 2024, p. 3-13