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Rafael Núñez Rodriguez

Ph.D. Student

At UNC since 2018
Advised by Professor Irene Gomez-Castellano
Dey Hall 301


Ph. D. Candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (ABD)
Dissertation: Spanish and Cuban debt narratives: the Indiano as economic subject (1868-1898).
Advisor: Irene Gómez-Castellano.

Master of Arts in Spanish Literature, University of Oregon.
Dissertation: Economía informal y retórica del silencio en La de Bringas (1884) y Blanca Sol (1889).
Advisor: Mayra Bottaro.

Master of Teaching and Education, University of Huelva.
Dissertation: Taller creativo en la enseñanza Secundaria de lengua y literatura, proyecto de innovación didáctico curricular.
Advisor: María Victoria Galloso Camacho.

Master of Arts. European Literature and Second Language Acquisition. University of Huelva.
Dissertation: El Manuscrito de la Fontana de Oro (1871)
Advisor: Eloy M. Navarro Domínguez.

Bachelor Degree (Licenciatura). Hispanic Philology. University of Huelva.

About Rafael

Rafael Nunez-Rodríguez is a Ph.D. candidate in the Romance Studies Department at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His dissertation project is titled "Spanish and Cuban debt narratives: the Indiano as economic subject (1868-1898)”. He focuses on financial movements and their impact on ecology, as well as their representation in 19th-century novels through mimesis. His academic interests are new economic criticism, transatlantic studies, and environmental studies.



Núñez Rodríguez, Rafael; Vázquez Bellido, Alejandro. Antología de poesía joven onubense, Niebla Servicios Editoriales, Huelva, 2015.


“Adapting Economic Strategies to a Changing World in María del Pilar Sinués’ La dama elegante (1880)”, The Palgrave Handbook of Transnational Women’s Writing in the Long Nineteenth Century, Edited by Claire Martin and Clorinda Donato. Forthcoming. (2023)

“El cuerpo enfermo nacional en Los Pazos de Ulloa (1886) y La madre naturaleza”(1887), Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies / Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades, 48 (2): 43–58. (2022)

“Variaciones de un motivo de Charles Baudelaire: el hombre metropolitano en Karmelo Iribarren”, Artifara, Revista de lenguas y literaturas ibéricas y latinoamericanas. Núm.20. (2): 145- 157. (2020)

“Un Forastero en la Poesía Mexicana: José Eugenio Sánchez”, Huracán de Sol, Poetas de Nuevo León en España. Colección Latitudes, CONARTE diciones, Monterrey. (2019)

“La creación de un mito liberal: La Fontana de Oro”, Actas del XI Congreso Internacional Galdosiano, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. (2018)


Galdós: corresponsal de "La Prensa" de Buenos Aires, (ed) Dolores Troncoso, reseña realizada por Rafael Núñez Rodríguez, Anales Galdosiano 57. (2022)

Benito Pérez Galdós, Doña Perfecta, (ed) Ignacio Javier López, reseña realizada por Rafael Núñez Rodríguez, Madrid, Cátedra, 2017, Anales Galdosianos, January, 2018.

Manuel Cabello Pino, Motivos y tópicos amatorios clásicos en El amor en los tiempos del cólera, reseña realizada por Rafael Núñez Rodríguez, Erebea, v. 4, (29), Universidad de Huelva, 2014.

Additional Study

Erasmus Placement 2012/13: European Exchange Program, University of Limerick.Language Resources Centre in The School of Modern Language. September 2012- June 2013.

Erasmus 2010/2011: Università Ca Foscari di Venezia. School of Applied Languages. September 2010- June 2011.


"Economía y ecología de la extracción en “Los inválidos” (1904) de Baldomero Lillo", Mining the Nation: Extractivism and Nation Building in Italy and Latin America, MLA 2021 Convention, Enero 2023

"Formas de narrar la deuda: Benito Pérez Galdós y José Martí", XII Congreso Internacional Galdosiano, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Junio de 2022

“Economía informal y la retórica del silencio en La de Bringas y Blanca Sol”, II simposio galdosiano, cien años cien razones, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. October 22-23, 2021

“Una lectura económica de Vida, ascendencia, nacimiento, crianza y aventuras del doctor Diego de Torres Villarroel (1743)”, Economía y literatura, Sobre España en el largo siglo XVIII, Instituto Feijoo de Estudios del siglo XVIII Universidad de Oviedo, Virtual Conference, 8, 9 y 10 de junio de 2021

“Ecología y economía racial en “Sofía” (1891) de Martín Morúa Delgado”, Materias rebeldes: economía, trabajo y naturaleza en el siglo XIX latinoamericano, LASA, Virtual conference, Mayo 2021

Economía y ecología de la extracción en “Los inválidos” (1904) de Baldomero Lillo, Voices from the Underground: Extractivism and Violence in Latin América, NEMLA 2021, Virtual Conference, 10 de Marzo de 2022

“The Waste Land Sickness as the Body of the Nation in La madre naturaleza (1887) by Emilia Pardo Bazán”, Contagious Narratives: Disease and Crises in the Hispanic World, 1839-1887, MLA 2021 Convention, Virtual conference. Enero de 2021

“Pasemos en Silencio”: Violencia epistémica y una retórica del silencio en Autobiografía de un esclavo (1835) de Juan Francisco Manzano”, Ficciones financieras: perspectivas críticas sobre dinero y literatura en Améfrica Ladina (XIX-XXI) (Organized by Nicolás Sanchez and Matthew Whitehouse), LASA, Virtual conference. Junio de 2020

“Variaciones de un motivo de Baudelaire: el hombre metropolitano en Karmelo Iribarren”, II Congreso Internacional Sobre Poéticas – Roma. Junio, 2019

“La economía como emancipación femenina: Una Introducción a La dama elegante (1880) de María del Pilar Sinués”, The Nineteenth-century In 2019 – Mapping Women’s Writing In The Long Nineteenth Century, Friday, Long Beach. Abril de 2019

“Informal economies and the rhetoric of silence in La de Bringas (1884) and Blanca Sol (1889)”, Measure and Excess, INCS International Conference, Roma. Junio de 2018

“La Creación de un mito liberal: La Fontana de Oro”, Actas del XI Congreso Internacional Galdosiano, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Junio de 2017

Awards & Honors

Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (2023)

John W. Kronik Research Fellowship. Asociación Galdosista Internacional. (2022)

Buchan Excellence Fund. Romance Studies department, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, II Congreso Internacional Sobre Poéticas, Roma. June 24-26, 2019

Travel Award Romance Studies department. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, The Nineteenth-century in 2019: Mapping Women’s Writing in The Long Nineteenth Century, Long Beach (CA). April 26-27, 2019

Chris Vanden Bossche Graduate Student Travel Awards. Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies (INCS). June 13-15, 2018

Travel Award Romance Language. University of Oregon. XI Congreso Internacional Galdosiano. June, 2017

Alumno 10C Award, Cátedra Cepsa, X Edition. University of Huelva. Awarded for outstanding academic performance. June 2014

Typical Courses Taught

Spring 2023. SPAN 329: Spanish for Professional and Community Engagement, Romance Studies Department, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Spring 2022. SPAN 320-002: Span for Business, Romance Studies Department, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Spring 2020-Fall 2021- Advanced Spanish in Context 261, Romance Studies Department, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Spring 2018, Intermediate level, fall 2019, Romance Studies Department, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Span 203)
Elementary Spanish Fall 2018, Romance Studies Department, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill(Span 105)
Interns Begin Spanish Romance Language Department, University of Oregon(Span 111)
Elementary Spanish, Romance Language Department, University of Oregon(Span 101, 102, and 103)

Linguistic Assistant in Language Resource Centre, University of Limerick (Ireland). (September 2012-June 2013)