Abel Muñoz-Hermoso

Ph.D., Contemporary Spanish Literature, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006Dissertation: Esperanza e insatisfacción adolescente en la novela española de finales del siglo veinte: graffiteros, okupas y so&ntile;adoresDirector: J.M. Polo de BernabéArea of Specialization: Contemporary Spanish Youth NovelSupporting Program: Anthropology and Cultural StudiesMA, Twentieth Century Spanish Literature, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003Thesis: Diálogo, máscara y otredad como formas de afirmar la existencia en la sociedad moderna en dos obras de Miguel de Unamuno y Sherwood AndersonDirector: Marsha S. CollinsBA, English and American Literature, The University of Seville, Spain, 1999
About Professor Muñoz-Hermoso
While researching for his dissertation and for his classes at UNC, Abel Muñoz-Hermoso became interested in the many social and cultural aspects of Spain from the 1960s-1990s. So much changed in such little time: the country opened up to the world, it gradually left behind dictatorship and became fully integrated by the end of the XXth century. He is specially interested in how these rapid and sometimes drastic changes affected the youth in Spain and how literature portrayed these times.
From Ray Loriga, Care Santos, Lorenzo Silva to Martin Casariego, they all depict a turn of the century society where youth struggles to fit in. Some choose to annihilate themselves (Generacion X), while others face the challenges in order to became an active part of society. This phenomenon that took place during the 1990s is of particular interest to him since it already predicted what has happened in Spain over the last 5 years. Namely the 'Indignados' and their strive for a return to a real democracy (brought back in 1975).
Publications, Articles, & Presentations
Muñoz-Hermoso, Abel & Hélène de Fays. The Cultural History of Spain During the XX-XXI Century. In progress.
Book reviews
A review of Contemporary Spanish Fiction: Generation X. Written by Dorothy Odartey-Wellington. Hispanófila (2010) 160 93-95.
A review of Bullfighting: A Troubled History. Elizabeth Hardouin Fugier. Hispanofila. 2013 (168) 147-149.
A review of Generation X Rocks: Contemporary Peninsular Fiction, Film, and Rock Culture. Edited by Chirstine Henseler and Randolph D. Pope.Hispanófila 2010 (160) 93-95.
A review of Spanish Culture Behind Barbed Wire: Memory and Representation of the French Concentration Camps, 1939-1945. Francie Cate-Arries. Hispanófila 2009 (156) 138-140.
A review of Conversaciones literarias con novelistas contemporáneos. Katarzyna Olga Beilin. Hispanófila 2007 (149) 89-90.
Dictionary entries
Dictionary entry on “Lorenzo Silva.” World Literature in Spanish: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Salvador Oropesa and Maureen Ihrie.
Dictionary entry on “Javier Tomeo.” World Literature in Spanish: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Salvador Oropesa and Maureen Ihrie.
Typical Courses
SPAN 101
SPAN 204
SPAN 255
SPAN 340