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Instructor Office Hours

Undergraduate courses offered for Fall 2024
Graduate courses offered for Fall 2024

Please note that office hours may be held in-person, virtually or both for Fall 2024. If your instructor is not listed, please contact them directly. 

Name (First)Name (Last)UNC EmailRoom NumberVirtual Office LocationOffice Hours
RafaelAcostarafael.acosta@unc.edu230 1:30-3:00
or by appointment
MarthaAlexandermalexand@email.unc.edu138 4:00-5:00
W 4:30-5:30
or by appointment;
Wednesday’s hours will be in Dey 204 as long as conditions permit.
Ángela MarínAmbrosioamaram@unc.edu301AN/AMW 2:15-3:15
or by appointment
SaraAnsaloniansalsar@ad.unc.edu315N/AMW 11:15-12:15
or by appointment
TreyAnthonytanthon1@ad.unc.edu317 2:30-3:30
W 11:00-12:30
or by appointment
EllenAtterburyetatterb@unc.edu301A 11:15-12:15
or by appointment
RefujioAvalos Reyesrefujioa@email.unc.edu219N/AM 12:00-1:10
W 12:00-1:00
or by appointment
SageAvilesavisa@unc.edu117<a href="" 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
LornaidaAvilés de Leónavilesl@unc.edu122 MWF 8:00-8:45 (in-person or Teams)
MW 2:00-2:45 (on Teams)
or by appointment
PascaleBouchardpascalb@unc.edu315, Meeting ID: 413 564 0199 Passcode: 7p6Qgi M 11:30-12:30
Th 2:30-3:30
or by appointment
JosephBournetbourne@unc.edu115 2:30-3:30
or by appointment
LauraBrescane Nicolaslaubr@email.unc.edu213N/AMF 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
ElizabethBrunoebruno@email.unc.edu120 8:30-9:00
W 11:00-12:00
or by appointment
PaolaCadena-Pardopaolacp@email.unc.edu124 2:00-3:00
W 2:30-3:30
or by appointment
DanilaCannameladanila.cannamela@unc.edu134N/ATuTh 12:45-1:45
or by appointment
JuanCarrionjcarrion@unc.edu315N/AM 8:30-9:30, 12:30-1:30
or by appointment
YasminCedamanos Del Carpioycedamanos@unc.edu315 8:00-9:00
or by appointment
AmyChamblessachamble@email.unc.edu140 9:00-10:00 (in Dey 140)
Th 1:00-2:00 (on zoom)
or by appointment
CristobalClemente Rodrigalvarezcrisclem@ad.unc.edu217 1:30-2:30
W 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
AdamCohnacohn@email.unc.edu322N/ATuTh 11:00-12:00
or by appointment
JustinCottenJustin.cotten@unc.edu117N/AM 1:30-2:30
Th 2:00-3:00
or by appointment
LeslieDanielljdaniel@unc.edu117 10:15-11:15
or by appointment
Helenede Fayshdefays@email.unc.edu128N/AMWF 8:30-9:30
or by appointment
JulieDe Lataulade De Laasjuliedl@unc.edu319Contact instructor for Zoom linkTu 1:15-2:15
W 2:30-3:30
or by appointment
JhosepDelgadojhosepdg@unc.edu213 11:05-12:05
or by appointment
LauraDemseyldemsey@unc.edu225 3:30-5:30
Th 4:00-5:00
or by appointment; Thursday office hours on Zoom only
MartinaDi Francescodfr@unc.edu301AN/AMW 11:15-12:15
or by appointment
RodrigueDjiglaradjigla@unc.edu117N/AM 1:00-2:00
W 12:20-1:20
VictoriaDriggsvkdriggs@unc.edu117N/AM 1:45-2:45
Th 11:00-12:00
Please send an email to the instructor prior to attending office hours.
JorgeEspinosajandrec@unc.edu217 10:00-11:00
Th 1:00-2:00
or by appointment
BrunoEstigarribiaestigarr@email.unc.edu332 1:30-2:30
Tu 11:00-12:00
W 12:30-1:30
or by appointment
OswaldoEstradaoestrada@email.unc.edu324N/ATuTh 8:30-9:30
or by appointment
PauloFerreirapaulorf@email.unc.edu318 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
AlejandraGaetaalegaeta@ad.unc.edu213N/AW 9:00-10:00, 11:00-12:00
or by appointment
VeronicaGaribottovgarib@unc.edu226 11:30-1:00
or by appointment
AngelaGattoangela93@ad.unc.edu317N/AMW 2:00-3:00
IsabelGervasimigsi@ad.unc.edu217 11:15-12:15
or by appointment
SantiGesteiragesteira@live.unc.edu319 1:30-2:00, 2:50-3:50
or by appointment
DavidGilldbgill@live.unc.edu115N/AM 11:00-1:00
or by appointment
Juan CarlosGonzalez Espitiajcge@unc.edu328 8:00-9:00
or by appointment
LamarGrahamlagraham@email.unc.edu323 11:00-12:00
or by appointment; Tuesday open virtual office hours – prior notice is preferred and appreciated
MichelleGravattgravatt@email.unc.edu126Meeting ID: 541 599 7951M 12:00-2:00
or by appointment
AubreyHartaghart@unc.edu315N/AM 2:00-3:00
Th 1:00-2:00
or by appointment
NilzimarHauskrechtnhauskre@ad.unc.edu136, Meeting ID: 963 964 8562 Passcode: PORT21
DorotheaHeitschdheitsch@unc.edu137 by appointment onlyMWF 10:10-11:10
or by appointment
ChloeHillchloehill@unc.edu234 12:20-1:10
Th 10:00-11:00
or by appointment;
Monday (in-person)
Thursday (over Zoom)
CarmenHsucarmen.hsu@unc.edu228N/ATuTh 12:30-1:30
or by appointment
KyungHuerhuer@email.unc.edu139 1:30-2:20
or by appointment
PelloHuesahuesa@email.unc.edu136 10:00-10:50
or by appointment
MariaHyrcza Flynnmhyrcza@unc.edu301AOffice hours on Zoom available by appointment M 12:30-1:30
W 1:30-2:30
or by appointment (zoom)
BasmaJaafarjbasma@unc.edu215Meeting ID: 938 3350 9332 Passcode: 248017
ThomasJuneautledjun@unc.edu215 10:50-11:50
or by appointment
KirstenKanekkane@unc.edu115 3:20-3:50
F 1:30-2:00
or by appointment
HosunKimhosunk@email.unc.edu123N/AMWF 10:10-11:10
or by appointment
Jeonghwan (Javier)Kimjaviludojhk@unc.edu115N/ATu 9:45-10:45
W 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
HeatherKnorrknorrh@email.unc.edu232Email instructor for Zoom appointment and link.MW 8:00-9:00
or by appointment
ChloeKofmankofmancc@unc.edu213N/AW 10:15-11:15
or by appointment
AnastaciaKohlkohl@email.unc.edu220Email instructor for appointment and link.MF 12:20-1:10
W 9:05-9:55
or by appointment
SharrahLanesharrah@unc.edu122 9:00-10:00 (in person)
or by appointment
CelinaLariosclarios@unc.edu217Contact instructor to request virtual office hours.Tu 11:00-12:00
W 11:00-12:00
or by appointment
Malgorzata (Gosia)Leegosialee@email.unc.edu337HTTPS://UNC.ZOOM.US/J/95062546739?PWD=QWK5ZTDWTHZKUVDMS0TIDG50ATZZDZ09 PASSCODE: GLEE123
JoLindquistlindquis@ad.unc.edu320by appointment only
MWF 8:00-9:00
or Tuesdays and Thursdays by Zoom appointment
EllynnLoftusellynn@live.unc.edu115 11:00-12:00 (in Dey 115)
W 10:30-11:30 (virtual)
or by appointment
BeatrizLomaslomas@email.unc.edu318 8:00-8:50
W 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
ClaudiaLombardoclaude87@ad.unc.edu219 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
PedroLopes de Almeidapedroalmeida@unc.edu138 2:30-3:30
or by appointment
GiovaniLopez Lopezgiolopez@unc.edu127 12:10-1:10
or by appointment
CarlosLopez Paricrlopez@email.unc.edu301A 2:00-3:00
W 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
RaquelMaquedamaqueda@unc.edu214Please contact the instructor for virtual office hours.MW 1:15-2:15
or by appointment
EmmaMariemmamari@unc.edu217N/AM 11:00-12:00
W 1:00-2:00
or by appointment
SeanMatharoosmath006@email.unc.edu125 11:00-1:00
or by appointment
ZoeMcHodgkinszoemch@unc.edu301AN/ATuTh 1:00-2:00
or by appointment
BartleyMeinkebmeinke@unc.edu215N/AM 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
HassanMelehyhmelehy@unc.edu224N/ATuTh 12:30-1:45
or by appointment
DanieleMeregallidanmer90@email.unc.edu217 3:00-4:00
Th 10:45-12:15
or by appointment
AbelMunoz-Hermosoamunoz@email.unc.edu108N/AMW 11:15-12:05
or by appointment
SilviaNencettisilviane@unc.edu319N/AMW 11:00-12:00
or by appointment
IsraelPerez Medinaiperezm@unc.edu317 9:00-10:00
or by appointment
AngelaPierceaspierce@live.unc.edu317 3:00-4:00
F 2:00-3:00
or by appointment
ValériePruvostpruvost@email.unc.edu223Email for Zoom appointment and link.MF 11:00-12:00
W 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
CaroRegistercaroreg@unc.edu217N/AM 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
YaisyRodriguezyaisy@live.unc.edu117 3:00-4:00 (zoom only)
or by appointment
BenjaminRomero Saladobenr@unc.edu232 9:00-10:00
or by appointment
AshtonRooneyadrooney@unc.edu219N/AM 11:00-12:00
W 1:20-2:20
or by appointment
MarthaRuiz Garciaruizgar@email.unc.edu139 11:15-12:05
or by appointment
JonathanSanchezjssanche@ad.unc.edu301A, Meeting ID: 611 221 9839 M 11:00-12:00
Th 1:00-2:00
or by appointment
EricaSerratoserrato@email.unc.edu141 11:00-12:00
W 12:00-1:00
or by appointment
LoidaSlatelpereira@unc.edu216N/AMWF 8:00-8:55
M 1:15-2:15
or by appointment
KatelynSmithkatemich@live.unc.edu301A 1:00-2:00
or by appointment
ConnorStenzcstenz@ad.unc.edu219N/AMW 10:00-11:00
or by appointment
AvaStonestonea@unc.edu319N/AM 12:15-1:15
or by appointment
JessicaTannerjltanner@email.unc.edu142 12:15-1:15
Th 8:30-9:15
or by appointment
KristineTaylorkristitl@email.unc.edu234, Passcode: 528841Tu 4:00-5:00 via Zoom
W 11:10-12:00 in Dey 234
or by appointment
ElizabethTolmaneely@email.unc.edu216 12:10-1:10
Tu 1:00-2:00
or by appointment
DianaTorresditorres@live.unc.edu115 4:30-6:00
or by appointment
MelissaVenegasmeliv@unc.edu225N/AMW 12:15-1:15
or by appointment
RichardVernonrmvernon@email.unc.edu222Meeting ID: 914 9527 4978