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ROMS Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Romance Studies provides opportunities for studying the languages and cultures throughout the world where Romance languages are spoken.

Studying French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish has become increasingly important because of the economic and political significance of these languages abroad and in our multicultural society in the United States. Language study also offers important support to other majors at UNC-Chapel Hill, such as history, linguistics, political science, economics, Global Studies, Latin American Studies, European Studies, Communications, Media and Journalism, and Business.

The department offers the Bachelor of Arts in Romance Languages, with a specialization in French and Francophone Studies, Italian Studies, Portuguese, Hispanic Studies, or Hispanic Linguistics. The department also offers minors in French and Francophone Studies, Italian Studies, Portuguese, Hispanic Studies, Spanish for the Professions, and Spanish Translation and Interpreting. Highly qualified and motivated students are encouraged to pursue the B.A. in Romance Languages with Honors.



French at UNC-CH gives students the opportunity to acquire a good command of the language (reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension), introducing them to French and Francophone literatures and cultures.


UNC has a rich tradition of Italian studies, including courses on language, literature, film, food, politics, history, philosophy, and theater. Students maybe obtain a major or minor in Italian, and many combine Italian with their other areas of specialization.


Portuguese at UNC-CH combines the study of the language, culture, and literatures of Brazil and Portugal. Emphasis is placed on the language as it is currently spoken and its historical development.


Spanish Studies at UNC-CH thrives on innovative literary, linguistic and theoretical approaches to the Spanish-speaking world, and includes the study of indigenous, Afro-descendant, Asian, and other cultures.

ROMS Undergraduate Support Team

Elizabeth Bruno
Spanish Advisor (Spanish for the Professions Minor)
Amy Chambless
Director Undergraduate Studies, Undergraduate Advisor of Italian, Director of Italian Language Instruction
Dorothea Heitsch
Undergraduate and Study Abroad Advisor for French
Gosia Lee
Undergraduate Advisor of Spanish
Spanish & Italian
Raquel Maqueda-Jiménez
Spanish Advisor (Hispanic Linguistics)
Sheena Melton
Undergraduate Student Services Specialist
Loida Slate
Spanish Advisor (Translation & Interpreting Minor)
Richard Vernon
Director of Portuguese Language Instruction, Undergraduate and Study Abroad Portuguese Advisor

Why choose a ROMS undergraduate program?

Laura Wilder

Undergraduate Alum

“Upon entering UNC, I had no idea how ROMS, particularly Italian, would shape my college career and where I am today. A semester is all it took for me to fall in love with the Italian language and culture and to decide to study abroad twice in Florence and Bologna, pick up the Italian major, and earn the UNC Robinson Honors Fellowship to research lace in Burano. The experiences I had through ROMS helped me reach my full potential and led me to pursue work in the study abroad field with the goal of one day working in Italy as a program coordinator. I just started a job as the Resident Director of the University of Portland’s Salzburg Center and love helping other students dream big abroad!“

William Thomason

Undergrad Alum

“Because of the knowledge and experience I gained from my Spanish classes at UNC, I am able to comfortably work with Spanish-speaking youth in New York City and abroad. With a broad knowledge of the history and culture of Spanish-speaking countries, along with Spanish communication skills I learned throughout my time at UNC, I lead culturally responsive arts workshops with confidence. My work in the international non-profit sector has been enhanced because of the abilities that I sharpened through my experience in the UNC Department of Romance Studies.“