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Daniele Meregalli

Ph.D. Student

At UNC since 2021
Dey Hall 217


MA Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, Linguistics, University of Bologna, Italy

BA Italian Language and Literature, University of Florence, Italy

About Daniele

Daniele Meregalli is from Florence, Italy. He graduated in Italian Language and Literature from the University of Florence, and in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, Linguistics from the University of Bologna. After he earned from the Università per stranieri di Siena a Ditals certification, which officially recognizes him as a teacher of Italian as a foreign language, and taught in several private schools, he is currently a second-year PhD student in Italian Studies and a Teaching Assistant at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. His specialization is in modern Italian literature, philosophy and history, and his main research interests are culture and politics of Italy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with particular attention to the trends of neo-idealism, simbolism, aestheticism, avant-gardes, marxist revisionism, fascist ideology, and national-revolutionary movements. He is also interested in debates of great topical relevance, such as those about postmodernism, post-structuralism, posthumanism, transhumanism, accelerationism, and Italian Theory.


La Testa di Ferro (1920-1921): Vita editoriale del Giornale del fiumanesimo, in “Storia e problemi contemporanei”, n. 68, Franco Angeli, Ancona January-April 2015, pp. 153-164.

Ripensare l’attualismo: Prospettive di ricerca attuali sul pensiero di Giovanni Gentile, in “Il Pensiero”, LXI/1, Inshibolleth, Rome 2022, pp. 249-267.

Book Reviews

Queer Ventennio. Italian Fascism, Homoerotic Art and the Nonmodern in the Modern by John Champagne, in “gender/sexuality/italy”, n. 9, 2022 (upcoming).


Between human and non-human: Categories of Modernity in Il barone rampante by Italo Calvino. Paper presented at the Carolina Conference for Romance Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (U.S.A., 03/25/2022).

Typical Courses Taught

ITAL 101

ITAL 102

ITAL 122

ITAL 203

ITAL 204