M.A. Romance Languages (Spanish & French), University of Alabama, 2018
B.A. Spanish & International Studies, minor in French, Gonzaga University, 2015
About Meaghan
Meaghan's research interests include the intersections of race, migration, and spirituality in the Hispanophone and Francophone Caribbean, Haiti, and their diasporas. She is particularly interested in how Caribbean writers and artists utilize the healing power, as well as the symbolism and imagery, of Afro-spiritualities to validate and affirm Black identity and to reveal how the dynamics of chattel slavery and coloniality continue in contemporary Black migration.
“No me llames trigueña, soy negra: Claiming Puerto Rican Blackness in Adriana Parrilla’s Photography,” Afrolatinas/LatiNegras: Culture, Identity, and Struggle from an Intersectional Perspective, edited by Rosita Scerbo and Concetta Bondi, Lexington Books, 2022, pp.
“White Herons” by Mertxe Manso, International Poetry Review, vol. 44, 2021, pp. 70-71.
Other Publications:
“DPM Kanntè: Yon pyès teyat sou eksperyans imigran ayiysen yo.” Potomitan, 3 November 2022,
Book Reviews:
“Review of Boat People by Mayra Santos-Febres,” Asymptote, Fall 2022,
Conference Presentations:
“La representación del terrorismo en los medios de comunicación.” IV Congreso de Literatura, Lengua y Traducción (liLETRAd), July 2017
“Perfidy or Fatalism: Nuanced Representations of Immigration.” LSU Department of French Studies Conference: Migrations and Contacts in the French and Francophone World, March 2017
“Le renaissance ou l’abîme : les perspectives apparemment divergentes d’immigration.” UA Language Conference, Feb 2017
“Of Zombies and Salt: Undead Colonialism in Pedro Cabiya’s Malas hierbas.” UNC Chapel Hill Carolina Conference for Romance Studies, March 2022.
"Of being seen but not really seen: The Need for Decolonial Relationality in Jaquira Díaz's Ordinary Girls." UT Austin Spanish & Portuguese Graduate Colloquium, February 2023.
“No me llames trigueña, soy negra: Claiming Puerto Rican Blackness in Adriana Parrilla’s Photography." Northeast Modern Language Association Convention (NeMLA), March 2023.
Book Reviews:
“Yon ti koze ak Évelyne Trouillot gras a Absences sans frontières.” International Creole Day, Duke University, October 2021.
Typical Courses Taught
SPAN 102
SPAN 105
SPAN 203
Graduate Research Consultant for DRAM 488: US Latino/a/e Theatre and Performance